Imprint – Odtis
Responsible for the content:
Schau aufs Land GSR OG
Färbergasse 6
8010 Graz
Responsible for Začuti Podeželje:
Schau aufs Land GSR OG
Leonard Röser, MSc
Karin Gruber-Steffner, BBA
Christian Gruber-Steffner, BA
+386 30 737 367
+43 316 232188
VAT-Number: ATU75569001
Commercial register number: FN 528202 v
Commercial Register Court: Landesgericht für ZRS Graz
Head office: 8010 Graz
Member of the WKO Styria:
Services in automatic data processing and information technology, trade with the exception of regulated trade and commercial agent
§ 153 GewO 1994 Services in automatic data processing and information technology:
Tradespeople who are authorized to carry out the business of providing services in automatic data processing and information technology are authorized to create problem solutions insofar as the techniques, processes and methods of information technology are used for this purpose.
Trade authority: Magistrat Graz
Ownership structure:
Leonard Röser: 40 %
Karin Gruber-Steffner: 30 %
Christian Gruber-Steffner: 30 %
Platform of the EU Commission for online dispute resolution:
We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board.
Responsible according to § 18 Abs. 2 MStV:
Leonard Röser, Färbergasse 6, 8010 Graz, Österreich is a climate neutral website! Our office as well as the hosting from Raidboxes run on certified green electricity.
Copyright notice
All content on such as images, photos, texts and videos are subject to copyright.
Photo credits
All images, photos and graphics used on are protected by copyright and the respective image rights belong to the following persons or companies:
© Thomas Hadinger – Edelweiss on the Road:
- Home page "Bio & more"
- Home page "Newsletter"
- Info page cover picture
- Info page "What does sustainable mean?"
- Home page "About us"
- Team photos cover picture
- Team photos portraits
- Team photos "Our vision"
- Home page "What ist Zacuti Podezelje?"
- Home page "How it works"
- Home page "Get subscription"
- Info page "Get subscription"